Once he had dumped out the fabric crate full of blocks, it became a fun 'box' for him to sit in. He had to really step high to climb in, and at one point of the climbing in and out, went in head first. I hate I didn't have the camera phone ready at that time. I started putting the blocks away, thinking it might be close to nap time, and when I did, he climbed in the crate again. I would toss the blocks in, and he'd toss them back out, and we ended up racing each other to fill or empty the crate, and we both found ourselves giggling at our silliness. I won, of course, and he sat in the crate full of blocks and played with them, having a great time.
We went for a walk again, at a wooded park w
ith a nice walking track, and Dennis enjoyed pointing out all the squirrels, telling us each one was a "cat". He also said "hey" repeatedly to the other walkers, starting his mantra once he spotted them and continuing to say it until they were out of sight. Most waved back at him, which he loved. Since he tolerated the full two miles today, Gran and I got a pretty good workout. And then we let him out of the stroller to run around in the center of the track, where there is a nice grassy shaded area under the pine trees. We pointed out pine cones and tried to engage him in a game of chase, which he doesn't entirely understand as of yet. He just ran around giggling, and he would hide from us behind a brick grill in the picnic pavilion and then scream-laugh hysterically when we would find him. He had so much fun that he started to cry when we left, but he was having a major Stinky Diaper Moment and it was time to get home and start supper. He got over it quickly enough when we got home and I let him have one piece of his Halloween candy. He had a lollipop tonight (one of those Dum-Dum tiny ones), and it was a sticky disaster, but he finished it successfully. It took many scrubbing wipes to keep everything from adhering to his skin, but I think we managed. His hair was even kind of hardened on his forehead. Think what you will, but I was able to get dinner all ready while he worked on that lollipop in his high chair without a complaint. We convinced him to not eat the stick, so he gave it to Honey instead. He called the lollipop a balloon despite what we said it was, and I suppose it did look like one, a round ball on the end of a white stick...

He is not adjusting to the new time. He woke up WAY too early this morning and he didn't nap all day. I hope he sleeps tonight, because we're sure planning to go to sleep early!
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