We started our day with a swim in the hotel pool (nice and warm!). Caedmon, Mirella, Dennis, Michael, and I enjoyed swimming and playing and chasing and all manner of water fun for nearly an hour before we began the arduous task of drying and changing three wet children (and two wet adults) and attempting to get them ready for a day of out-of-town fun. We lunched at The Salt Lick and tasted some truly delicious barbecued sausage, beef, ribs, and turkey before loading up in the big green van and heading to San Antonio. We toured the Alamo, something I've always wanted to see and would like to see again when I can take time to read all the plaques and see all the things to see (i.e. when Dennis is a bit older)--it is very historic, very lovely, and I loved that we got to see it today! The River Walk is beautiful and large, and we decided to take a boat tour to see all the Christmas lights draped in the trees and luminaries lining the banks. This was so nice--we were all enthralled by the beauty of the lights and the interesting tour info. The kids' eyes were so big as they took it all in! And imagine their delight when we ended our San Antonio tour with supper at McDonald's. Do all kids love McDonald's?
Dennis says his favorite part of the day was swimming. My favorite was the boat ride, but I have a close second. We were loading three tired little ones into their seats to begin the drive back to Austin when Kristin spied Santa Claus across the parking lot. She went and asked him to come and say hello to the kids, and he walked over to the van and leaned in to wave and tell them to be good. Magical! Dennis looked so serious and then asked us to go and get him to come back because he had some things he forgot to tell him. When we asked what, he replied "that I want all the Toy Story 3 toys", and since he's told 2 Santas this very thing AND written a letter, I told him not to worry, that Santa knew what he wanted. He probably already has it wrapped and ready to go. And I'll bet he even used special Toy Story wrapping paper on those Toy Story toys that I'll bet he's been collecting since August.
Dennis and Mirella enjoyed the heck out of fighting in the back seat like siblings, having "YES!" and "NO!" battles for long stretches of time. Vehement, heated, and heartfelt were their sentiments, but they switched sides and yelled the other word after a while. And they laughed a good bit, just enjoying some good verbal sparring with a willing and equal opponent (not something either of them gets the opportunity to do very often).
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