Today was Dennis' last day of preschool in 2010. His class will meet on Thursday for their party, but we are leaving in the morning for Texas. He said "Merry Christmas" to each child individually as we left today. He's anxious to see his cousins, and super anxious to open presents!
We were wrapping the last gifts when Dennis appeared with a large and shiny gift bag to put under the tree. He said "I got Daddy the BEST PRESENT OF ALL!". Curious, I tried to peek in, and he snatched it away (as well as he could snatch something so heavy). He informed me "no, it's not for you, it's for Daddy." When he turned around, I quickly looked in the bag to find David's cordless drill, the one he uses for nearly everything! I couldn't help but remember an old Louie Anderson routine that was repeatedly watched and oft quoted in my childhood--"have you ever gotten your Dad something for Christmas that he already had? Something he actually owned? I mean something that was his?". Since David has some projects coming up, I spoiled Dennis' surprise and told him (but not in front of Dennis). I wonder if the drill will be back in the bag on Christmas morning...
Today's photo, courtesy of Dennis--"Mommy, I need you to come take a picture of Tabasco and me." "Why?". "Because we are friends and we love each other." Tabasco especially loves Dennis tonight. I caught the two of them in the kitchen, Tabasco eating from a bowl HEAPED with dog food, with Dennis busily scooping and pouring more food for him. He saw me coming and said "I fed Tabasco because he was hungry and it's my job to feed him." I told David this, and we agreed that it certainly can be his job from now on! I was equally amused later when Dennis clipped a leash to the dog's collar and attempted to walk (drag) him through the house (Dennis: 37 pounds; Tabasco: 90+ pounds). Tabasco won. He's still lying on his bed with a leash clipped to his collar!
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