We are almost back home, driving the last hour, and Dennis is happily ensconced in his Elmo Happy Holidays video. I had hoped not to need the portable DVD player much, but it was entirely necessary today. He's been wild (and loud and incessant) since our hotel room this morning save for a nice car nap most of the way through Mississippi.
He has been nearly perfect for most of the trip, but today his volume button got stuck on LOUD. In fact, I made a hand motion like I was turning down his volume via imaginary remote control, and he snatched the imaginary remote away and turned himself back up, saying "no, I need to be loud." There have been random screeches and noisy laughs, peppered with the usual army of "why" questions ("why is that car red?" "why are we in Mississippi?"). The DVD player made it a little easier for the rest of us to handle the close confines of the van. We are ready to be home!
After Dennis watched a netflix-on-iPhone movie (so we could get through Hobby Lobby) about St. Nicholas (Veggie Tales Story of St. Nicholas, nicely done), I asked him what he'd learned about St. Nicholas. He said "I don't know, Mommy, but why didn't Uncle Denny ever want to get married?". Heavy. I told him he'd have to ask Uncle Denny (and I have an idea that his "women aren't economically feasible" reason won't work on Dennis). I asked Dennis if he planned on getting married when he grew up and he said "yes, Mommy--I'm going to marry you!". I asked him what his dad would think and he gave a little wicked giggle.
Is there a sadder sound than hearing the last little bit of milkshake being sucked through a straw? My Chick-Fil-A Peppermint Chocolate Chip experience was over too soon!
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