When we got up this morning, Dennis asked if it was our last day. I told him it was. He says he's ready to go home because there are only snacks at our hotel room and he doesn't like it. He shouldn't be starving--we've eaten like kings today!
We visited the Austin Science and Nature Center today, and the kids had a wonderful time in the hands-on lab, the birds of prey exhibit, the small zoo, and the giant Dino Dig pits. Dennis and Mirella shoveled and brushed and had much fun in the sun. The day was beautiful, like spring or early summer out, and we very much loved our meal in the outdoor seating area at the Hula Hut! The atmosphere was tropical fun and the food was delicious!! I hope it's a new tradition for our future visits here.
The kids unwound (well, not really) from the day by building cushion forts in the living room. Dennis jumped and somersaulted down the ramp he built, and then a Bat Cave was constructed that all 3 kids LOVED. Much jumping and giggling (and some pushing) ensued before we "closed Carlsbad Caverns" and put the cushions away. Caedmon was moved to make a Carlsbad Caverns sign to hang up after playing.
This was a fabulous trip, excellent family time, and I hate to see it end. We are anxious to get home to David, though, and it'll be good to be home for Christmas. Dennis sure will miss his cousins and the fun they have together. I loved watching them together this fall now that they have real conversations with each other. So fascinating! "Mirella, do you like to eat at restaurants?"--to which she answered yes, then Dennis reported "Mommy, she says she likes to eat at restaurants too!" (even though I was sitting in the seat in front of theirs in the van and heard her perfectly well). He asked her what kind of animals she liked and she told him all about the dino dig as we were arriving. Caedmon is a brilliant and particular little person--when the other two were finally convinced to leave the house to go to the nature center, he said "I don't need to go to the science center--I can learn about science from reading my science encyclopedia." They are all so different in personality and all so very interesting. Mirella's a giggler, and she and I enjoyed doing yoga together yesterday (she taught me some poses she knows). I have to get to know them again each time we're together, but that's expected--kids this age change into neat little people very quickly it seems, and I look forward to watching all 3 of them grow into the incredible people they are headed toward being (but I'm in no hurry--they are already growing up too fast!). We'll miss them, and we loved getting to experience a taste of Austin. It's going to be nice to picture them living in this great city in their fabulous little community just steps from the seminary--so many warm and friendly people!
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