Happy Veterans Day! We've spent more time thinking about this particular holiday in 2010 than any year I can remember. Last Sunday at church we honored our veterans, last night at church a veteran talked to all the children about his service, and today we attended the Veterans Day parade in Birmingham. I learned today that this is the oldest and largest celebration anywhere, and it certainly was a big deal! We clapped and clapped for all the soldiers and veterans, enjoyed the marching bands and floats (and the Shriners' antics), and had a very nice day downtown. I thought often of the veterans in the family and felt proud of their contribution to our freedom. Dennis clapped so hard for all the soldiers and was so enthralled with their uniforms and marching skills. We are so glad Ellen invited us to join her and Chloe there, and the kids (and mommies) had a great time together all day.
Dennis got out his nativity set this morning (he calls it his 'activity set') and set up all the figures. He even pretended to be the angel. I heard him making the angel tell Mary "Mary, you are going to have a baby. You will call him Jesus, and he will be great." So today, he decided that he was thankful for the shepherds. And he's learning to sing Away in a Manger--currently his favorite Christmas song.
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