This morning, he tried on his vampire costume and doctor costume, and just when I got out the phone to snap his picture, he announced "no, that game is over--no more taking pictures of my costumes. We aren't playing that anymore." So David snapped this one covertly, catching him by calling his name and snapping it as soon as he turned around. Today, he was thankful for "the trees in the fall" and I think that's a spectacular thing to be thankful for and often say thanks to God for that very thing.
Tonight he watched Peter Pan at Uncle Denny's house while Gran and I were out walking, and I timed my return about 3 minutes too late. He was crying at the door when I arrived, and I knelt down and scooped him up in my lap to console him. He probably would have been fine on any day in which he'd taken a nap, but that didn't happen today. They were watching the movie together and when it ended, he was ready to go and I wasn't there (guilt, guilt, guilt), but I was right outside! He calmed down some and was burrowing his head into my neck. This morphed into him rubbing his nose on my cheek, and it occurred to me that he was smearing snot on my face while he was doing so. Sure enough, when he pulled back his face, a tiny booger was adhering to the outside of his left nostril. I told him how disgusting that was (as Uncle Denny looked on in horror and agreed), and Dennis said "I'm going to write with my nose, a straight line and a half circle." Before I knew it, he was smearing his nose across my cheek in the shape of a capital D. Very nice. Sure hope Clorox wipes are safe on skin...
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