He WILL be potty trained before our cruise in May. I insist on it. He is certainly not that interested now, telling me he likes his diapers and saying he won't potty. I have tried bribery and telling him how firefighters use the potty (this after he asked me one day who changed the firefighters' diapers at the fire station) and everything else I can think of. When the holidays are over, I'm going to have him wear regular underwear when we're at home. I hope that works. He told me he wanted to use his frog potty in front of his movie, so I brought it in the den. When I came back from loading the dishwasher, he had removed the potty bowl and was 'wearing' the support part. It may be a while yet. I even told him all the things we could do with the $50 a month we'd save if he'd use the toilet. Still no luck. We will make it, I just know it. He is not allowed to date until he can use the potty.
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