Today the Advent calendar revealed that we should write a letter to Santa and we did just that. I plan to take him to Macy's to mail it because I saw a commercial featuring a giant mailbox for letters to the North Pole and apparently there will be a charitable donation for every letter mailed there. He told me to tell Santa that he wanted a fire truck (which is good news because Santa told me he planned to get him one). He also wanted to know what kind of cookies Santa likes and wanted him to be careful flying his sleigh. Dennis wrote some things himself and put on plenty of stickers for decoration. It was a fun project!
Dennis asked me for red beans and rice for breakfast this morning, so he was happy when Daddy brought home the makings for it for supper. We set the table with our holiday dishes and lit the Advent candles and enjoyed a lovely family supper at the table. Dennis asked if it was baby Jesus' birthday yet because he wanted to blow out the candles! Tonight we watched Santa Claus is Coming to Town and he concentrated hard on every second of it.
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