Dennis woke up from his nap a little earlier than we had anticipated and he walked in and caught us wrapping his cousins' Christmas presents (he has 7 cousins--this was a load of stuff) and exclaimed "PRESENTS!" and almost got one unwrapped. We explained to him what we were doing and then he 'helped' us by picking out the paper for each person and each present and then transporting the wrapped gifts back to the back room (we think putting them by the tree would be too much temptation). He was a little sad because he wanted some of the things for himself, but he did much better than I would have expected. Luckily a big package arrived from Gigi and there was a present in it that she said he should go ahead and open. He was delighted to find a tractor ornament! She also sent another piece of his nativity set and he was happy to set it up and arrange Mary and Jesus and Joseph (who he insists on calling Joes-pha) and the angel just so. He loved the light-up snowman ornament with his name on it, too, and this snowman has ridden in the fire truck and visited the nativity scene!
Today's Advent activity was to make paper snowflakes and David did a great job on these. Dennis was only mildly interested, but he did happily eat the fudge we made. We watched Nativity Story tonight at his request and he asked a million questions while it was going on and then got concerned at the end saying "baby Jesus needs to get up and open his presents!".
Something I have been meaning to write and kept forgetting: I bought him a new pair of slippers and he calls them slipperies. Very cute.
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