I was still vacuuming when the first guests arrived, but we managed to present a fairly decent house in time for the party. Allison showed up early and helped entertain Dennis while we finished up the preparations. Hadden and Jennifer and the babies were our next guests, and Dennis was SO excited to see the babies. He wanted to hold baby Hadden and kept dancing around and asking to do so. He kept insisting that the babies were hungry as well and got frustrated with us when we didn't jump up to fix bottles for them. Grandma showed up next and helped Dennis 'hold' baby Hadden. Dennis cried buckets when he wasn't able to hold him all by himself. He was fortunately then distracted by the arrival of Ellen, Diana (Ellen's mom) and Chloe and then Uncle Denny. Chloe and Dennis immediately ran off and began decimating Dennis' room and the den, scattering his toys all around. We enjoyed a lovely supper that all of us contributed to and then watched as the kids tore into their presents. Dennis got an Auburn ball cap (War Eagle!), puzzles, and assorted musical instruments (a drum that he can wear, maracas, tambourine, triangle, cymbals, etc)--all stuff that he LOVED--from our guests and then a great big Thomas the Train set from his Aunt Lulu and Uncle Robert and Uncle Phillip (we missed seeing them at the family party last week and Becky brought over their gift to him). I had planned for us to make snowflakes and gingerbread houses, but instead we just watched the kids playing with their new stuff. We talked about how we used to actually do stuff at parties before the kids came along and now we just watch them (and we have just as much fun!). Dennis is one happy toddler tonight though you wouldn't know it from the I'm-completely-exhausted-and-beyond-ready-for-bed whining that he was doing at the end of the party!
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