I am ecstatic to report that Dennis is much much better today. We didn't even see the need to take him to the doctor. No more fever, not much fussiness. He slept through the night in his own bed last night, and he took one nap with no complaints. He did absolutely refuse the second nap, but this is so much better than the last couple of days that we really have no complaint. He clearly felt great today--he played vigorously and happily all day.
This morning in his room, I asked him for a kiss. I haven't mentioned kisses since early last week, and I thought I'd try to teach him what a kiss is today because I wasn't sure he'd remember. I didn't have to teach him anything. When I first said the word, he dropped what he was doing, came right over, and kissed me right on my cheek. He still gives open-mouthed kisses, with a tiny lick, so you have to be prepared. And he usually heads right for your mouth, so you have to turn your head quickly! They are very sweet kisses, even if a little wet.
We made cookies together today. While I was mixing up the ingredients, I gave him a bowl and spoon to mix as well. When I cracked the egg to go in the batter, I handed him one of his plastic Easter eggs to add to his bowl. He enjoyed stirring the spoon in the bowl along with me. This sounds like I am one of those really great moms who plans educational activities well in advance and has supplies all on hand. It wasn't really that way. Last night we finally remembered to bring home eggs to go in the cookie mix, and today after I loaded the bread machine and put some chicken breasts in the oven, I remembered the cookies. Dennis was lonely in his room and wanted company, and he'd already had his snack, so I brought him back into the kitchen and put him in his high chair and told him we would make cookies. I gave him the spoon and bowl to occupy his hands, and as I was headed to the fridge to get the egg, I saw his plastic eggs on the counter by the sink where we'd washed them and inspiration struck. We had a mini cooking lesson. He enjoyed it VERY much, giggling as he stirred the spoon in his bowl.
We went to the lake to 'help' Daddy install an icemaker line to hook up to the upgraded refrigerator, and while we were there, it stormed. Dennis and I sat on the screened porch and talked about rain and thunder and lightning. He kept pointing to the rain and saying "see?" and "rain". We went inside after a bit, and he insisted on being right underfoot, grabbing David's tools, yanking on the line, standing in the way, etc. I (gasp!) turned on the tv, to the Noggin channel where they show educational shows to preschoolers without commercials. Well, there are commercials, but they are for upcoming Noggin shows, not for actual products. A Blue's Clues short came on, where the characters were asking for help in finding their favorite pajamas. Dennis watched as they asked which was the red-striped pillow and which was the purple hat with white polka dots. Then the toy shovel asked for help finding which pajamas were yellow with white flowers AND a furry collar. They displayed 4 sets of pjs, 3 were yellow, 2 of these had white flowers, and only 1 had white flowers and a furry collar. Imagine my amazement when Dennis walked up to the television and touched his hand to the correct pair. I still don't know if it was a weird coincidence or if he actually knew what he was doing. He didn't hesitate a second. He pointed that little finger right to the screen and touched the second pair from the left, yellow with white flowers and a furry collar. I hadn't said a word during the entire little 5 minute spot, but when he did that I clapped and praised him as soon as I picked my jaw up from the floor.
He rode on his ride-on car some at the lake house, and then we left to have dinner with Gran and Pop at their house. He entertained us all during dinner with his range of noises but most of all with his broccoli face. I'll give him credit. He does TRY the broccoli every time it's offered, but he obviously hates the way it feels on his tongue. He makes the most awful sound and sticks his tongue all the way out (after spitting out the broccoli, of course) as if he's trying to get every last broccoli molecule off before he can even put his tongue back in his mouth. Truly hilarious. He rode on his ride-on fire truck some at Gran's and Pop's house, and I'm happy to report that he has finally begun to drive his cars forward some instead of backing everywhere. Progress. I'm just glad he feels so much better. He was his usual fun-loving, sweet self today, and we couldn't be more thrilled!
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