Tuesday, July 1, 2008

15 month checkup

After two delayed appointments (while getting over his ear infection), we finally took Dennis to the doctor for his 15 month checkup. He was unhappy from the moment the nurse told us to take him to Room 2 and "get him naked". He started to cry when we pulled off his shirt, and he kept crying while they weighed him and measured him. He cried even harder when the doctor checked his ears to make sure he had managed to clear the infection. And he cried while she listened to his lungs and took off his diaper to check him for that mystery thing that doctors check baby hips for. He usually cries at the doctor's office, sure, but it's usually for shots or ear checkups. He usually tries to grab and eat the stethoscope, not tremble miserably and let big fat tears roll down his cheeks. He was pitiful except when she asked us to put him on the floor so she could see him walk. This part was fun for him, and the tears dried right up. Because he was wailing his little head off, his ears looked red, and we had to go for a tympanogram to check the fluid levels. If he still had fluid, we were going to have to go to an ENT. Thank goodness he passed this test! She said his ears were 100% back to normal. She also said she expected as much since we reported that he had a 40 word vocabulary, which I know since I tallied it earlier for the blog, and then thought of more words I had forgotten. Doc said I was the first parent in 18 years that was able to spout off a number that quickly when she asked that question. At any rate, his hearing must be fine if he knows and uses that many words. I have Jason to thank, too, because he always reported how many words Jayden knew when she was in her second year, so I was mindful to count them up in case I was asked.

Here are the vital statistics:

Height: 30.5" (25th to 50th percentile)

Weight: 24 lbs. 8 oz. (50th percentile)

Head circumference: 47.5 cm (50th percentile)

He got two vaccines today, and he cried terribly over this. We were told that his right leg would hurt today and his left leg will hurt tomorrow. He was fine for several hours, but we did have a nice long screaming fit this afternoon, where he wanted me to hold him while he screamed, but he fought me. I'd put him down and he'd come right back and hold up his arms to me, so I'd pick him up and hold him while he screamed some more. I felt so bad for the little guy. I know he was miserable, but I couldn't do anything for him past a little Tylenol. Funny how when I went to tell David that he wasn't doing well, he clammed right up and gave Daddy all his sunny smiles and giggles. I'd have pulled my hair out, but Dennis had already ripped out big handfuls while he was screaming in my arms. He slept hard in the car and we woke him for dinner. He ate well and went right to bed. I hope his legs don't hurt so much that he's not able to sleep well. I was able to stay calm and soothing through all the screaming, and I didn't get the least bit frustrated. I just felt so helpless that I couldn't do anything. I hate when he hurts. It's the worst feeling ever. And I wish I had figured out a little sooner that he wanted his Daddy. It's usually me that he wants when he bangs his head or falls or hurts himself in some way, but I just didn't cut it today. And this doesn't even bother me, I just wish I had gotten the message a little sooner so I could have saved him some agony (and myself some hair)! I did enjoy playing with him this afternoon before he started feeling bad, and he's learned that sitting in his rocking chair is better than standing in it, because we praise him for sitting down. So when he gets himself into the chair and sits back, he claps his hands and says "Yaaaaay!". And so do we. I think his whole life is a celebration sometimes, or maybe I just feel like celebrating him all the time and he agrees with me.

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