Friday, July 18, 2008

camping success!

I am happy to report that our first night in the camper was a total success. Dennis slept through the night and didn't get up until 8:30 this morning. He got out of his pod, ate some breakfast, and climbed up onto the table to dance for awhile. We ended up just letting him dance some of his energy out, being careful to keep him from falling off the table. He played with his airplane and his cars, rolling them off the table and crashing the passengers to certain death on the floor. Gran and Pop came by for a visit to the camper and Dennis enjoyed entertaining them as well. We went over to visit with the Carroccinos and watched Dennis play happily with Mirella for quite awhile. Then we ate lunch at Big Bob Gibson's (yummy barbecue) and headed back to break down camp and get on the road for home. Honey was patiently waiting for us in the camper, sprawled out on the queen-sized bed enjoying the A/C blowing on her. Dennis fell asleep in his carseat just before we got back to the campground, so he slept on while we unloaded and unpopped (?) the pop-up. This worked out well for us because we didn't have to worry about him being underfoot or running away down the road while our hands were full of camper!

We loaded up in a remarkably short time and drove south, stopping in Birmingham to spend the evening with our friends. It's great to know that Dennis enjoys the camper, and we're hoping for a repeat trip in a couple of weeks.

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