Wednesday, July 2, 2008

the care and feeding of a golden retriever

Dennis is feeling much better today. He was happy and cute and didn't seem to be feeling any pain from his shots yesterday. He accompanied me to the lake house and hung out with his Grandma while I finished up getting the place ready for the weekend. He had some KFC for lunch and took a nice nap. He woke up in time to say goodbye to me before I headed down to be with a friend while her mother is in the hospital.

Tonight he had a guys' night with David and Jason, and he had a good time with them. David reported that he was being snuggly (Dennis, not Jason) on the couch with him. I miss the little guy but will be back with him tomorrow, watching him charm and entertain his Gigi and Ju-Ju and Steve and Monte and Dave and Ellen and Chloe and his grandparents. We're going to have a big holiday weekend!

The picture I snapped while he was feeding Honey from his high chair. She has a well-balanced diet now of Dennis leftovers, and she's been enjoying all kinds of foods that she hadn't had much of before. He still calls her to the kitchen to eat what he's about to drop on the floor. Many times she'll be leaving the kitchen and we'll have to stop her and remove the food that Dennis tossed onto her back. She's so great with Dennis, and now she's reaping her rewards for being so sweet and patient while he learned the correct amount of pressure to apply when petting a dog. I think she loves him--I know he loves her. She has stopped that loud sigh that she used to give when we arrived back at the house and Dennis was with us. I used to think that she secretly hoped we'd be taking him back where we got him, but I think she's past that now. She's seven years old now, and she's been the best pet ever. I hope she'll be with us many many more years.

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