Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chocolate croissant

Today was one of those rare Sundays when I had to work, so David took Dennis to church this morning without my help. We don't take Dennis to the church nursery yet. He went once, and he did well, but we kept him with us for the duration of cold and flu season, rather than put him in with the other *germy* little children. And now we like having him in the service with us, for the most part. He apparently did well this morning, walking to and fro in front of the pew, playing with the shiny buttons dangling from the jacketed arm of the man sitting in the pew in front of him, and flirting shamelessly with the women sitting behind him. He didn't even eat an offering envelope today, but he did manage to mangle one beyond recognition with those busy little hands.

I begged off early from my shift today so I could go home and blow my nose in peace without watching all my coworkers bathing in hand sanitizer every time I coughed and liberally lysol-ing the phone and keyboard when I walked away (though I do appreciate the necessity of such, I wish it had happened BEFORE I caught the cold that was going around there). I met David and Dennis and accompanied them on an errand to the lake, where I watched Dennis walk around and around and around the room, checking the cabinets periodically to see if maybe THIS time one of the child proof latches had failed. So far, so good. He watched his grandmothers and his daddy go out on a boat (he said "boat" and "bye-bye") and come back. We took his diaper off to change him, let him walk around for a minute naked, and he went and peed on the floor. Again. While holding a book in his hands. (just for the record, the book was Winnie the Pooh, and it managed to stay dry) So we're tossing around the idea of buying one of those seats that goes over the toilet and letting him sit there for a minute after we take his diaper off, just to see what happens. He may not be interested, but the doctor said he might potty train early since he's so gung ho about peeing on the floor whenever his diaper comes off. I wonder if he'd pee sitting down, as so far he's always been standing. I could buy him a potty to go on the floor, but how much aim could a 13 month old possibly have? I know he's just starting to understand about body functions, but earlier he brought me a diaper and sat down in front of me, clearly asking for a change. I plan to wait until he's completely ready before attempting potty training, but I do wonder if these are signs that it might not be the nightmare I fear it will be.

Dennis had a nice time visiting with his grandmothers at the lake house today. Both Gran and Grandma shared their chocolate croissants with him while he stood on their feet and begged pretty much like our golden retriever would. He LOVES chocolate croissants. Or chocolate turnovers, they're called. They come from Arby's, and they're delicious and flaky enough to make the kind of mess on the floor that babies and dogs love. Speaking of mess on the floor--we were pretty sure Dennis might have eaten roach parts today, but it turns out (after 3 people examined his mouth) that what he picked up and munched on was a piece of bread that he had 'stored' on the floor under the table about 10 minutes before. We don't have roaches at home, thank goodness, but I'm sure if he saw one he'd be curious enough to try and taste it. They should make mouth guards for babies. Oh, wait, they do! Pacifiers!

I'm starting to see streaks of independence. He didn't want me to hold the Capri Sun packet while he drank from the straw, but if I gave it to him, he immediately turned it up. Not what you should do if you're drinking from a straw, but he pitched a big fit when I took it back. And when he finished it, he was furious at me for taking it away and throwing it in the trash can. I had to let him walk around holding a ceramic coaster tonight because he insisted. He wasn't hurting it, and he eventually put it down in favor of something else. And he cried when we tried to take it away, pitifully, like it was his favorite toy ever. This is only the beginning, I just know it. He's starting to have his own opinion about things, and he's putting us on notice. This year might be even more interesting than the first one! I can't wait to see what comes next. (not sarcasm--I really can't wait)

1 comment:

Ellen G said...

I love the new blog! It's fun getting updates on Dennis this way. Your whit comes through in your writing, which makes it a blast to read. Can't wait to read more. He really is becoming an independent little man! It will be fun to see what conversations he and Chloe will have this weekend.