Thursday, April 17, 2008

Little Einstein

Today was a brain breakthrough day--every time I turned around he was doing something amazing. I woke up when I heard him saying 'uh-oh' in his crib. He actually says it "uh-uh-oh" or "uh-uh". We got up and played, as usual. I noticed that he was arranging his foam blocks by color. He picked them up, studied them, and then placed the red ones together. He started on the blue ones but got distracted and moved to something else. Soon after that I saw him pick up a toy starfish and a star bath toy, notice that they were shaped the same, and start to match up the points by placing them side by side.

After that, he walked over to his giraffe ball sorter toy, pressed the button for music, and started tapping out the beat with his hand on the giraffe's head. He pressed the button again and again, and the last time, walked away from the giraffe and 'danced' to the music. His dancing is a sort of swaying while flapping his arms up and down. I suppose you could call it the baby funky chicken dance. We don't have high hopes for him ever appearing on Dancing With the Stars, because he inherited absolutely NO genetic material that has anything to do with dancing. David and I find it difficult enough to walk upright most days without stumbling or bumping into something.

We headed to Gran's house where he said "dog" when he saw Max as we walked up. Once inside, he greeted his Gran, then walked straight to the dog food bowl (ok, so he's not a supergenius--or maybe it was some brilliant science project on taste testing or crunch factor?). He started to walk around and pick up various objects (measuring cup, pen, etc.) and hold them up and say "diss?", which we interpreted to mean "what's this?". We named the objects for him, and some names he repeated.

At lunch, he gestured to the things he wanted very clearly, and imitated the way I played with his kid's meal toy. It's as if he aged several months overnight! I love watching his mind engage, and I love how he smiles so big when he figures something out. I remember before he was born feeling overwhelmed by the number of things I would have to teach him, and I still feel that way sometimes, but he's learning so quickly. It's an awesome privilege and a great blessing to get to watch him grow and learn.

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