Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day of Bay

The word of the day was "bay". I don't know what he was referring to, but he said it often. He also said 'open' and 'doggy', and this morning surprised me with 'caterpillar' when his dad was inching his Hungry Little Caterpillar toy along the floor. An actual word in context. Without prompting. Those are still unexpected at this age, except for 'ball', which he gets every time.

His primary activity today was opening and closing doors. Room doors, cabinet doors, curtained doors... all of them fair game. He seems to instinctively know how not to smash his fingers. He's learning to get off a bed or sofa by turning around backwards and lowering himself down. And he's learned to hold on to a doorframe to help himself over a threshold or up and down one step to get into a different room. I never realized how much there is to learn about mobility.

He turned 13 months old yesterday, and last night while he was sacked out on the couch with his dad, I looked over at him and still couldn't believe that I actually have a child. It's a little thrill every time I see him.

He walks like a pro, and he constantly amazes me with the speed in which he does so. Tonight his gran and I turned our heads for a moment, and he headed straight for the toilet. We intercepted, and washed his hands, and just minutes later repeated the process. I hope he's this fascinated with toilets when it's time to potty train!

I love that he's such a good sport. We took him shopping for hours, moved his carseat from vehicle to vehicle and put him right back in, drove him to the lake and back, and he was so sweet about it. I feel so blessed to have such a good-natured son. I wonder if I'm naive, that all little ones are sweet at this stage. Will he still be this way at age 2? We can hope!

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