Thursday, April 24, 2008

Not so much

I didn't get to spend much time with Dennis today. I woke up when I heard talking coming from his room, and I went in to find him sitting happily in his crib and babbling to his room. I think he might have been talking back to the birds he could hear chirping outside. Or he could have been calling aliens. Hard to tell. I brought him back to our room to snuggle (i.e. to wake up Daddy), and he climbed all over us and pretty much forced us to get up. He was in a sunny mood this morning, and I love when he wakes up happy.

We played and danced for an hour or so, and then I had to go to work, and I worked 13 hours today to try to make up time I missed by leaving early Sunday. It was an easy day at work, just long. David tells me that Dennis had a good day as well, playing in his Grandma's lake cabin. Dennis even left me a voicemail message today, and it made my day. I suspect he had help dialing, but I can't be positive. He once called his Gran by pressing the redial button on his Daddy's phone, and we didn't know he had done it. She called back to see why we had called her, and we admitted that we didn't, but that Dennis apparently did. She was very pleased that Dennis was already calling her.

He visited all his grandparents today. At his Grandma's house, he emptied a couple of cabinets, and now those cabinets are his toy cabinets. He apparently enjoyed putting in and taking his toys out of them. And he had a short visit with Gran and Pop on his way home, where he redecorated his room before bed. David warned me that going in to check on him tonight would be hazardous, and he's right. There was toy carnage everywhere. I can't wait until he has Legos.

Tomorrow night we will be camping. Internet access prospects probably not so good, so there may not be a Dennis update for a couple of days. On the other hand, we might have to sneak off to civilization (for ice cream), and in this case, I will update. I am excited and a bit apprehensive about the trip. I know he will love the togetherness, and playing in the sand. I don't know how well we'll do all in the same tent, since I am one of those middle of the night bathroom go-ers, and won't be able to do this without a lot of zipper noise and flashlight beaming (to get out of the tent and get to the bathhouse). He is not a heavy sleeper. He'll be in his pod tent inside our tent, though, and maybe my bladder will be strong, so it could be fine. We'll find out soon enough. At any rate, we will be a little older, a little wiser, and a little more enriched after this weekend!

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