Monday, November 23, 2009

returning on the train

We are convinced! Amtrak is the way to travel! Boarding is easy, seats are roomy and comfortable, and you can get up and walk anytime you want! Not to mention that there is actually ROOM to get up and walk. Beats air travel in that respect (plus is more comfortable), and beats driving long distances in that you can sleep on a train whenever you wish. Nice. Dennis and David and I sat a few rows up from the rest of the party today, so Dennis enjoyed walking back and forth between our seats to deliver things from one party to the next. He announced when we went into the tunnel, and he enjoyed playing with his Thomas trains on the tray table in front of the seat. He loved everything about the train trip.

We shopped at Whole Foods and then tried to decide where to eat lunch on our way home. Gran wanted Arby's and Dennis said "No, we eat at Chick-Fil-A." Just when we were geared up for chicken, Dennis said "No, I want Arby's". As we were getting off the interstate, Uncle Denny mentioned Cracker Barrel, and Dennis was all over that. He said "Yes, Cracker Barrel, we eat at Cracker Barrel, what a great idea, Uncle Denny!". He settled on Arby's where we all partook of the dollar menu and then he fell asleep HARD in the booster seat (leaned all the way over to the right, poor little guy) on the way back. He was glad to get home and see all his fire trucks.

I have been working on the Advent calendar and I've almost got all the activities planned (written on slips of paper, one for each day along with an ornament that sort of relates to the activity). I have 5 more days to come up with, and Dennis wanted to play with our Advent house very badly. He insisted on playing with 'Mommy's house' (it looks like a house with 25 doors) and when I wouldn't let him, he said "You need to share, Mommy, you need to share that house." I have been told. It's all his starting Dec. 1, but he isn't going to like only opening one door per day!

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