Sunday, November 8, 2009

keeping him busy

I have days where I wonder what to do with Dennis, and today was one. I admit to being sleep deprived because David and I went out with friends last night and were out late. Dennis spent the evening with his Gran and Pop and we picked him up just before midnight. He woke up at 6:30 this morning, long before I was ready to get up, and he woke up ready to play. I took him out to the playground this morning and then to Kaycee's (flea market) to shop around. He found a fire truck with an extendable ladder and lights and sounds and when I saw the $3 price tag, I was excited about it as he was, so we paid for it and brought it home. I turned a large cardboard box into a garage/fire station for all 5 of his firetrucks, and he happily sat and played with it for hours, driving the trucks in and out of the 'garage' and extending the ladder so that 'Fireman Sam' could climb up to the station on top of the garage. He was not happy when naptime came around.

I did a little shopping by myself this afternoon while David played with him and then we all had family workout time at the gym. Dennis enjoys climbing on the workout machines and encouraging Mommy to 'push push push' and 'go go go' (something Pop taught him to say tonight). Now that I work at the gym, I have a key and permission for after-hours family workouts, and it's so much fun. I hope that we are teaching Dennis how to exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. As of today, I am down 78.5 pounds and 78 inches!

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