Saturday, November 7, 2009

bring baby wipes

This is the call that woke me this morning: "Mommy, bring baby wipes! Hurry!". I figured that whatever had been done was done and I lay in bed debating whether to get up and face it immediately or wait a bit, and of course got on up to see what had happened. It was bad. He told me "I took my dirty diaper off" and I saw it on the floor, poo-filled. It had filled to over-capacity and had run down his legs and dried, and he'd stepped in it and tracked it across his floor. He had also sat his poo-covered rear end down in a few places, and I basically had to scrub the heck out of the place and do a load of laundry and immediately plunk him down in the bath tub. I didn't mind so much. He couldn't help it, for sure, and I could tell he felt bad about it. He tried to help me scrub his floor with baby wipes and he showed me everywhere that the poo was. Poor little guy.

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