He woke up entirely too early this morning and headed straight for his Legos. I was greeted with this statement when I emerged from the bedroom: "well, I broke the alien Gran built but then I fixed him with my awesome hands because I am super-cool". He endured breakfast and was regrettably parted from his Legos to head to Disney World. He was tremendously excited about riding the monorail and when we traded in our vouchers and Disney bucks for tickets, we were all presented with badges/pins. Ours read "Honorary VoluntEAR" and his read "1st Visit". All day Disney employees thanked us for volunteering and asked about what we did for our service project (cleaning invading plant species out of a nature preserve) and made Dennis feel extra special. He got stickers from several different folks and got to be Guest Conductor on the train (he said "All Aboard!" over the microphone--a big moment for him). He also took a solemn Pirate Oath from Captain Jack Sparrow. He has certificates from both things. He also has several new toys and a book of autographs from the characters he met.
He loved EVERYTHING. He actually fell asleep for a second while we were getting a picture made in front of the castle. We were holding him up and his head bobbed against Pop and he just nodded off for a second. He didn't nap after that even when we took him on the Carousel of Progress (dark, cozy, soothing) for just that purpose. He watched every bit and listened to every word, and then he got to go out and meet Buzz Lightyear. He really enjoyed Buzz Lightyear's ride, the Space Ranger Spin (an arcade of sorts where you spin your car and shoot at The Evil Emperor Zurg). When we got to the end and the animatronic Buzz was reviewing our mission, Dennis saluted him and said "we did it, sir" in all seriousness.
He talked to lots of characters and lots of photographers, and he had such a magical, wonderful time. When we were leaving the park tonight, he wanted so much to open his new Mickey's house micro playset, but Gigi told him he'd have to wait til he got home. He said "no, you mean back to the hotel". Smart little thing! But he conked out in his stroller on the monorail, hugging the Mickey's house playset box like it was a lovey. I can't wait to hear what all he tells everyone about his visit to Disney!
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