Dennis had a spectacular first day of school. He didn't even look back when I dropped him at the door! I saw him again when his class and my class were together on the playground, and he asked me "Mommy, why are you here?". I wasn't trying to cramp his style--Tuesdays are my days to help out with the two-year-old class. Some of those little guys had a tough time today; tears were shed for Mommies for a while after drop-off, and there was much squirming, but it was a good day for me as well. Dennis said he wanted to "go eat at a restaurant" to celebrate his day at school. We met up with Gran at KFC, then ran some errands with her.
Now I'm watching him drive his jeep around the yard while yelling at the top of his lungs "LOOK OUT EVERYONE--JEEP DRIVER COMING THROUGH!!". Night has fallen (it's two hours later than the blog says it is-- different time zone), but we're out here playing in the twilight with the mosquitoes and the lightning bugs.
I'll leave you with the Dennis quote that I heard from Miss Linda (Dennis' teacher). She told me that she turned on the music for singing time and Dennis said "excuse me, Miss Linda, could you turn down that music? I'm trying to read over here!". She got a big kick out of that, and so did I! It's going to be a great year!
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