The fair is in town! We went tonight and had some fun--this is the first year we've purchased an armband for the rides. We bought one for Dennis and soon realized that one of us would have to get one, too, so that he'd have someone to ride with. We let him choose, and he chose David to be his riding buddy. He did all the kiddie rides several times, rode the teacups and went in the fun house, played a pop-gun game, and rode 2 ferris wheels. He loved the rides and most especially loved the petting zoo and children's farm. He petted chickens, goats, a pig, a cow, a horse, a guinea pig, and rabbits. He planted some seeds, fed corn to fake chickens and collected fake eggs, picked cotton, picked apples, sawed on a tree with a toy chain saw, milked a cow (wooden cow, udders with water in them) and caught a paper fish. He took his haul to market and exchanged it for play money, and he traded the play money for some very cool Smokey the Bear environmental posters of his choosing (stay tuned--they'll be framed and showing in a den near me soon).
It was great fun, and he hated to leave, but it's a school night for both of us, and he still had homework! Preschool homework? Yes, he had to glue together a house from different construction paper shapes, something his class did when he was sick last Tuesday. Fun homework!
Today he told me to sell his bed. I asked him if he wanted a new one and he said "no, I just want a clean wall where it was". He doesn't want a bed because he doesn't want to sleep anymore. Maybe I should sell the oven...
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