Every mom dreams of the day she'll be trapped in Wal-Mart during a tornado warning, and for us that day came today. Spring in Alabama often yields exciting weather moments and we have had our share this year. Today we were shopping in Alabaster Wal-Mart after a visit to Uncle Denny in the hospital and a dinner with Allison, and just as we finished our shopping and headed to the cash registers, an announcement was made that everyone needed to go to the center of the store due to weather. David immediately visited the self checkout and checked out and wanted to leave, but we could hear the heavy rain outside and I thought we might as well stay inside for a while. An hour and fifteen minutes later, we opted to leave with our purchases. Allison had not purchased her items but opted to leave her cart and make a run for it. I should say that I called Mom and discovered that the area was all clear before we left the store--she was reporting from home where she was watching the coverage on TV.
It's very exciting trying to keep a toddler entertained for that length of time while confined in a shopping cart. We took turns holding him and giving hugs and kisses, and he counted and said animal sounds and pointed out all the Sesame Street characters featured on a t-shirt hanging nearby. He was very good if very active, and he didn't really get upset at not being able to leave. I was hoping first that we'd stay safe (especially after I heard that a tornado touched down next to our shopping center), and then I was hoping the diaper bag stayed safe (we left it in the car) and that Dennis wouldn't have immediate need for a diaper while we were confined in the store. My prayers were answered. We are in Clanton safely, visiting with Gran and Pop and Granny, joining their tornado party. We are hoping that we have electricity at home when we get there! Scary times, these, and we are thankful for our safety and the safety of those we love.
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