My sister-in-law is the coolest mother. Today we got an envelope in the mail that contained a construction paper egg from Caedmon and Mirella to Dennis. He was ecstatic and held it and cuddled it, even rested it against his cheek and said "nice egg". I wish I could think of projects like this to do so that we could send cool things to Caedmon and Mirella in the mail. Dennis does color every day (and discovered that dry erase markers work on windows just beautifully and make a stained glass effect), so maybe the time will come when we'll draw something special and put it in the mail.
We had lunch with Dennis' Grandma, Great Granny, and Aunt Karen, and Dennis got yet another birthday present. He tossed the tissue out of the bag, tossed the clothes out (very cute shorts set) and homed in on the paint book and the Thomas stickers. He was THRILLED to get a Take Along Percy. We had a Percy already, but when we looked closely, the one he got today was a special Happy Birthday Percy, and he loves loves loves it. Percy is covered in stars and streamers and sports the phrase 'Happy Birthday' along his side. When we got into the car to leave, Dennis picked up the Percy that lives in the car seat and then put it back down and demanded "I want Percy stars" until I got out the new one and handed it to him. He then said "Happy Birthday" a few times. Another successful birthday present for Dennis! I think this might possibly be the last one. But the Easter Bunny comes tomorrow, so I don't think he'll be too disappointed.
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