We didn't head to the hospital today but things are still going very well according to all the reports I got. We stayed home, Dennis and I, and did some much needed chores. Dennis helped me empty the dishwasher and gave me a couple of scary moments watching those chubby baby hands grabbing the big stoneware dinner plates out of the dishwasher to hand them to me. There were no casualties and he was so proud of himself for helping which he let me know by repeatedly saying "thank you Dennis" every time I thanked him and a big "Yay Dennis!" when we finished.
He made me very proud when he cleaned up his toys unasked this morning. We were playing with the trains and he announced "want to play farm" and suddenly began putting all the trains and tracks away before getting the farm toys down from the shelf. When he finished playing farm, he cleaned it up before getting out the potato heads and cleaned them up before getting out the legos. I'm SO proud! And after watching him pick up after himself all morning, I picked up after myself while he was napping! I did a few loads of laundry and a load of dishes and cleaned off our table and bar, just maintenance cleaning that needed doing, and I felt so much better to see it done!
Tonight our church had a special Maundy Thursday service, a living Last Supper drama that they put on every year. We enjoy it and went tonight, and Dennis was enchanted by the costumes and music, excitedly pointing out "Jesus!" (after we convinced him that it wasn't "Mary" up there). That lasted for about 15 minutes before he was yelling to get down and go see trains and fire trucks and so he and I walked the church for a while, tried again to watch, and then spent 15 minutes in the car before going in just in time for communion (where he yelled "EAT CRACKER"). No nursery available tonight. Clearly, no Good Friday service for me tomorrow! At least we'll be there to celebrate Easter. No one in the church would have gotten angry if we'd stayed, but it was intended to be a reverent and meaningful service and I wanted to guarantee that the people sitting around us had every opportunity to enjoy it as such. David certainly got a lot out of it, and I am very glad he did.
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