We repainted the Power Wheels jeep today. Dennis was napping during a large portion of this and watched a movie while we were finishing up. David took the entire vehicle apart and we cleaned it up and painted it with Krylon Fusion for plastic (which seems to have worked fairly well). I managed to save most of the decals--we removed a couple that I reapplied and I covered the rest so that they wouldn't get painted. We reassembled the jeep and brought it in to dry and keep it out of the rain. We put in a new seatbelt and applied a tiny Alabama license plate with Dennis' name on it. He's all set (or will be when the batteries are charged).
We had to deal with a very sad Dennis who felt neglected while we were fixing up his jeep. He was cranky and hungry and kept asking me for a "double stack burger". Since Wendy's was on our way to the lake, where we were headed to visit with Uncle Denny, we stopped and got him one. He was all smiles after this! Dennis enjoyed seeing his Uncle Denny and walking around with his cane. It was a short visit because it was soon bedtime for both Dennis AND Uncle Denny!
Today is Honey's birthday--she turned 8. I can't believe she's a senior dog now! She got a couple of pieces of pizza to celebrate her special day, and she enjoyed spending time at the lake in the beautiful weather. She's such a good big sister to Dennis, so patient and understanding with him, and we're so proud of what a beautiful and sweet dog she is. I can hardly believe she's been with us for that many years! Dennis sang "happy birthday" to her and blew out a candle for her tonight.
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