I was looking at the collection of wheeled baby transport items all parked on our front patio today and thinking that Dennis certainly has a goodly number of wheels for a two year old. The Power Wheels Jeep is there, which he is afraid of driving and instead points to it and says "Chloe drive jeep"--he would rather push it or be pushed around in it. I expect he'll get over it soon enough because he certainly asks to drive our cars regularly. The bike trailer is there as well, me having just reassembled it and hooked it up. I took him for a long ride yesterday, the kind that had my thighs and calves screaming while I wished for a bicycle with more than one speed. I love my cruiser and it is just what I wanted, but it is not the bike for pulling Dennis in a trailer up several hills. The wagon is there, the Radio Flyer with the all-terrain wheels and the wooden sides, a gift from his Mommy and Daddy for his first birthday that he enjoys the occasional ride in. He learned to take off the front panel and climb out while it's in motion on Friday afternoon. Scary. He has a Little Tikes car (still indoors and not on the patio to keep the tires from scratching my wood floors to death) that he drives EVERY day, still mostly in reverse though I have seen him finally power it forward with his little feet. And there's the jogging stroller, possibly my favorite of all, which I like to take on our walks. We took it to the park today, as a matter of fact, and I'd like to report the following miracle that occurred while we were there: I RAN FOR AN ENTIRE MILE consecutively, without stopping, without dying. I actually ran. And I feel great! I also walked two additional miles, stopping between them to give Dennis a snack and some water. He happily pointed out birds and squirrels and people-watched during our 9 laps around Goosepond Park. As a reward for his happiness and contentedness (and for only throwing Froggy out of the stroller once), I took him to the playground and let him get his own exercise. It is a BEAUTIFUL sunny spring day, perfect temperature, perfect slight breeze, azaleas and lilies and camellias all in bloom. What a great day to get out and play!
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