What a wonderful, special day it was. He is officially two now and he enjoyed much celebrating with loved ones to commemorate his big day. Jennifer was the first guest to arrive (the traffic problems from yesterday continued into today) and soon we were joined by Grandma and Bob and then Gran and Uncle Denny. It wasn't too much longer before Pop and Grandmother and Granddaddy arrived and Dennis enjoyed talking to everyone and playing in his giant box train. We decided to go ahead and let him open presents and he loved everything he got. He loved the clothes a little less than he loved the toys, but he did love all his gifts. When he opened the gift bags that had clothes in them, he tossed the clothes out with just the same vigor that he tossed out the tissue paper. It was pretty funny.
Dave and Ellen and Chloe arrived just in time to sing to him and watch him blow out his candle (which he didn't actually do). We had practiced a few times with blowing out a candle, but he only had eyes for the cake today. When I got it close enough to him to blow out the candle, he grabbed a handful of cake and icing and ate it! I had to douse the tiny flame myself! He had a couple of more presents to open and then just played and played! He and Chloe had fun riding around in the jeep. He's intimidated by the motor but enjoyed sitting in it with Chloe and bouncing up and down, or pushing it while she drove. I have no doubt that he will learn to drive it soon!
I can't believe what a fun time we all had, and I loved seeing Dennis smiling continuously all day long. He was saying "Happy Birthday Dennis" to himself at supper. He went to bed with his new dump truck. It was a very successful party!
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