Another sunny sweet day for Dennis, I'm happy to report. He seemed a little more tired today than usual, but he did have a big day yesterday. We didn't do that much, just stayed home until lunch time and then went to Gran's for the afternoon. He played happily in his playroom and we danced with him and chased him around in a big circle around his toys while he giggled. And he visited us at the baby gate from time to time. He learned to pet Lady gently and remembered her name from when he learned it weeks ago. It was so sweet when he walked up to the gate, looked and saw the dog, and waved and said (VERY clearly) "Hi, Lady."
I love hearing him talk. His little voice is so high pitched and sweet sounding, and he is starting to sing to himself a little now. And we are still having long sentences of gibberish stated with all seriousness from him. We treat this very seriously and always respond to him. It seems to make him feel important, because he looks so serious and then he smiles when we agree with him.
He needed his downtime today. During lunch, he picked up two scraps of bread and actually rubbed his eyes with them. I think it was a combination of sleepiness and a desire to play peek-a-boo because Gran and I were talking to each other and not paying him 100% of our attention. He moved the bread and said "peek-boo" and grinned at us with a mouthful of cantaloupe and bread. He finished quickly after that and we let him play with the toys for a while until he picked up his Froggy and said "night night". I put him in the pack a
I think he's growing. He looks taller every day and he is requiring much food and much sleep this week. I do have a small supply of clothes in the next size up, and Ellen found some things for him at the consignment sale. Maybe those will last a few months! I never did buy any bigger shorts for him because summer's almost over, but now they are marked down so cheap that I might
The pictures show him 'helping' us sort the laundry amid much laughter. He thought it was great fun to try on Daddy's shirt.
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