After shoe shopping and snacking, we visited with Pop's parents at their house, and we had such a good time there. Granddaddy is 94 years old, and just a minute after we arrived, he was sitting down on the floor and playing with Dennis and his new toy car. I can't believe he can still get up and down so easily! When Dennis had exhausted himself of his new car and mega-blocks set, he found all the remote controls and pushed some buttons on the DVD player then sorted some magazines, a pencil, and a stapler on the coffee table. He sorted them right onto the floor! He did, to my amazement, grab the pencil and scribble on a piece of paper that was handy. I don't know if he's even seen a pencil before but he certainly knew what to do with it. Bright little guy.
The most fun he had was running around in the backyard in the nicest, thickest, greenest grass he's ever set foot on. Granddaddy went in and got a basketball and football to play ball with Dennis, and Dennis had
We met up with Daddy after he went and saw a movie and the three of us went to eat at Chick-Fil-A. Dennis enjoyed the indoor playground, and David and I have now climbed to the very top of the hamster tubes because Dennis wanted us to. Scary for us, fun for him, but at least we know now that those things will really hold some weight. Not that we were in them at the same time, but still being high up in a plastic tube is unnerving when you are a full sized (and then some) adult. Dennis giggled all the way down the slide both times, and I am hopeful that in a couple of months he will be able to navigate this structure without our assistance. It was a LATE night for him, but he did manage to squeeze in a whole bunch of fun to make up for being somewhat confined with us all week at the job site. It's going to be a great weekend at the lake, I just know it!
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