Wednesday, August 6, 2008

drink bandit

Today was a fun day. Most of it was spent playing in the room with Dennis. He had a great time playing while I completed a much needed reorganization. Admittedly it was sad to pull the clothes that he's too small for out of his closet, concrete evidence that he is growing up so fast. I am saving everything in the event of another baby boy in the family or born to a close friend, because who knows what the future will bring. He still has a ton of clothes that I had to find space for, so I imported a small chest of drawers from another part of the house, and he delighted in opening and closing the drawers. I probably have another two days or so before he figures out how to open them and empty them.

Not so many tantrums today. There were a few, especially when he thought he needed to leave his room and go play in the bathroom and I thought he needed to stay in there where I could see him. I can't let him go in the bathroom unsupervised. There are a whole lot of safety issues, true, but last night I caught him in there trying to toss a Turbo Tax cd into the toilet. I guess he doesn't have a future in accounting... Or he is trying to keep from being like Pop, who reads tax books for fun and entertainment.

He ate four meals today. An hour after he finished a decent sized meal of hot dog pieces, cheddar cheese, orange slices, and milk (and this sounds nauseating even to me), he demanded "eat eat" again. David brought us home some burgers for supper, and we had a picnic in Dennis's room. He ate a quarter of our supper, at least, and stole David's drink from him and downed about a third or more of it.

Now we are on our way to pick up Pop from the airport, returning from their weeklong journey of driving a car to Washington. Gran will be there two more weeks, and Pop will be flying back next week to join her and spend time with the Carroccinos. Mobile blogging is pretty awesome, since I am able to use this hour commute to update the Dennis Report, and I can go to bed when we get back home around midnight. Dennis is alternately snoozing and partying in the back seat, and I know he'll be thrilled to see his Pop when we pick him up.

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