David woke me up this morning by yelling "Do you want to bathe Dennis or do you want to clean up his bedding?". Dennis apparently exploded sometime early this morning and when David heard him giggling around 8:30 and went in to get him up, he discovered a festival of poop. Dennis never acted like he felt bad, but that much diarrhea is just not natural or acceptable, so off we went to the pediatrician. In case you're wondering, David got the bath, I got the bedding (and then a bath). It was EVERYWHERE!
Our pediatrician checked him thoroughly and pronounced him perfectly fine save for a stomach virus that's going around that he probably got from the playground. Oh, good. Just when I discovered a great outlet for baby energy it led to a great inlet for baby germs. We are not to worry, Dennis is fine and will be back to normal in approximately FIVE TO SEVEN DAYS. I am going to have to buy more (and bigger) diapers. Oh, and he's contagious (yippee), so we have to be diligent about our handwashing. On the plus side, he is to eat starchy salty and sugary foods for a couple of days, which he couldn't be more thrilled about. All day long he kept saying "eat eat". After a bout of light whining in Ross with Mom and me(yes, I took my sick baby shopping, but the doctor said he didn't need to be confined at home since he was feeling so well), he asked for "eat" so sweetly that we started hunting for a snack. The doc recommended applesauce, bananas, mashed potatoes with salt and butter, saltine crackers, and things of that nature. We took a little liberty with that and stopped at Edgar's bakery for banana pudding. It was so good that he took it upon himself to wield the fork and feed himself at the pace he wanted. Yes, a spoon would have been better, but we went with what was available.
A Wal-Mart trip (because running out of toilet paper is nearly as bad as running out of diapers), a dinner at Full Moon Barbecue, and a long car nap later, we found ourselves at Gran & Pop's place to help them install the new portable air conditioner/mood enhancer (because nobody's happy when it's too hot). Dennis enjoyed playing in his playroom, crawling through the big plastic baby toys and pushing the buttons that made those toys spew forth baby friendly music. He giggled and danced and refused to go down for a nap, so we stayed in the playroom until David finished the installation and then we came home. No more bad diapers for the rest of the day, so I have hope that maybe I won't be doing emergency laundry again tomorrow. But just in case, I didn't bother putting the crib bumper back on, which means that I will be summoned to his room a few times tonight to retrieve the pacifier that easily fell out of the crib because the bumper wasn't there to catch it when it 'rolled' out of his mouth.
He was so smiley and sweet and adorable today that it made up for the yucky stuff. Funny how that always happens. We sure do love that little guy (yes, even when he isn't smiley and sweet and adorable, which fortunately is rarer than when he is).
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