To listen to Dennis, he was tormented much today. He had to endure shopping (tragic) at a few places and wasn't thrilled with his stroller time. I didn't let him nap today because I thought it would mean that he'd sleep the whole way home, but I was wrong. He did enjoy some play time in Gigi's backyard (as Fire Chief Dennis, and yes, he put those shoes on by himself), and he got to play with all the toys at Ross when I released him from Stroller Purgatory. He played at a nice indoor McDonald's Playplace and loved his hamburger Happy Meal, and he ran wild through the Nike Factory Outlet and even tried on a pair of shoes (he called them black Nike Shox, as in "I want the black Nike Shox, Mommy") that were not as good as the pair of Nikes he already owns and loves.
Post shopping, he watched Bob the Builder and didn't like it when they were talking about scary monsters (a phrase that is forbidden to be uttered in the Mitchell house now). We switched to Thomas the Train episodes and this calmed him down. Gigi cooked a delicious pork chop supper while we loaded the car, and we ate and ran. Dennis stayed awake until the last hour in the car, whimpering pitifully through a couple of movies and then finally giving up and dozing off. What a long day! We had a good time, though. And it's very good to be home.
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