Monday, September 7, 2009

go jump in a lake

The clouds cleared, the little guy refused to nap (and sang songs to himself that we enjoyed over the baby monitor for TWO HOURS), the weather was perfect: doesn't that sound like an excellent time to go swimming? We thought so. Miraculously, so did Dennis! No big complaining, no screeching "I want to go to lake house" or "we go back to dock, Mommy" 15 minutes after we got in. Little man floated and splashed happily in his puddle jumper vest and Elmo float for half an hour and then said he wanted to go inside. When he got on dock, he stepped out of the Elmo float and then said "I want to get back in the water". We let him jump in with only his puddle jumper vest on, and he did great! He actually swam, REAL SWIMMING, for several minutes, and then wanted to climb out and jump in again (and did, many times). We did it just like swim class, with him counting 1-2-3 and then jumping. His jump off the dock isn't quite like ours--he sits on his bottom and kind of scoots off on the count of 3. All the same, he was delighted with his new skill, and so were we. We were careful to explain about never jumping in without 1) his life jacket and 2) the presence of Mommy or Daddy. We're so proud of him. What a great little swimmer he was today, delightedly announcing over and over "I'm swimming in the lake!" or "Dennis is swimming in the lake!". I'm hoping for warm and sunny a few more days before fall so we can reinforce his new skills.

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