Monday, September 14, 2009

it's a musical life

It started this morning. David didn't have to go in to work very early today, so he took the morning shift with Dennis. I heard them happily playing with his new puzzle from Gran: "We put puzzle togevver Daddy!". Dennis has really started to sing when he's happy, and he makes up songs on the spot about whatever happens to be on his mind. He was so thrilled to have some Daddy time this morning because Daddy was the one who got up first to take care of the morning Dennis needs (diaper, chocolate milk, Pop-Tart, fire truck movie). He continued to ask for David all day, as in "Where is Daddy? Daddy go shopping?". Tonight, he was met at the door with a very exuberant "DADDY! Daddy's home!!!". David took care of bathtime as well, and I heard half an hour of joyous singing from the tub. I love that he's so happy, and he's even told me "I very happy Mommy" several times lately. Thanks to David for just making his day, especially today as I hurt my back pretty bad somehow and couldn't have played and bathed like he was able to.

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