We spent a day at the lake again, not really for fun, but to get some work done at Uncle Denny's place. David worked a marathon day trying to get everything wired in before the sheetrock is installed, which should begin tomorrow. It's near midnight and he's still going. Big day! Dennis got to take a walk to the marina store to buy ice cream and M&M's--the picture shows him enjoying a Bomb Pop. He did a very good job with it, though halfway through it I had to wrap a paper towel around the stick to prevent blue drips everywhere. Later on, he picked up a fork, wrapped a paper towel around the end and announced "here's a popsicle, Mommy, eat it, it's delicious!". I pretended to eat, of course.
Tonight he said "Daddy work up there build Uncle Denny's house, right Mommy?" and I told him yes, that was correct. He contemplated this for a minute and said "where's Uncle Michael?". I suppose he remembers when we were all working on the place, including Uncle Michael.
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