Monday, August 17, 2009

swan dive

I absolutely can't turn my head, EVER! He was performing acrobatics on the footboard of our new log bed as I was running to stop him. He flipped over the end and did a very beautiful unplanned dive straight onto our concrete floor. It SCARED ME TO PIECES. And he cried and cried and has a very gnarly couple of bruises on his forehead. We called the doctor and learned what to watch for, which we didn't see, and we put him to bed tonight hoping all was well. After I laid here for an hour in my bed, I kept imagining his brain swelling and terrible things happening, so I went in to get him and bring him to our bed. He climbed on us for two hours, flinging himself onto us violently while he was trying to sleep, and then he woke up and said "I want to go to Dennis' bed and go night night". We complied. He's apparently fine, thank God.

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