Sunday, August 2, 2009

mommy's migraine

We went to church this morning and all was fine, and we went afterward to enjoy some Mexican food for lunch. Listening to Dennis say "chicken quesadilla" is a highlight, of course--it's fairly correct the way he says it, but very very cute just the same. He and I both took naps when we got home and I began to feel progressively worse as the day passed. After he woke up, he spent quality time with his Daddy, playing, reading, and watching movies. I missed them and went in to visit a time or two, and each time Dennis said "come and play, Mommy, sit here, play fire truck and trains". Each time I felt too bad to do it and hated to disappoint him. Later, much later, I went in to his room and watched him sleep. I lifted him off his bed and into my lap for a snuggle (he never woke up) and I whispered to him how much I loved him and how we'd play tomorrow. Often when I'm with him, I long for a break, but then, when I get a break, I wonder if I missed out on time with him that I'll never have again. He is growing up so fast, and I want to savor every minute. This is not actually possible, of course, but I am doing my best.

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