It was our first day of double vacation bible school. This morning I dropped Dennis off at the church at the end of our street for a "gold rush" themed VBS. Three hours later, I picked up a genuine gold prospector. He immediately came inside and commenced hunting for gold, loading himself up with a pretend shovel (which was actually a musical instrument which he shoved into his pants--we've got to get him some cargo shorts and pants with utility loops on them so he'll quit using his underwear as a holster) and donning his park ranger hat to look the part. He had so much fun there!
Tonight he learned about the concept of the devil for the first time and used his toy spy scope (from this morning's VBS) to look for the devil. He had lots of questions, of course! We did our best to answer. He heard 2 bible stories today: Jesus at the well and the parting of the red sea. He can tell you both stories. I love that he's learning and retaining.
Tonight as we were sitting around at Gran's, discussing our evening, I mentioned to Gran that her eyes had looked red earlier. She told me that she hadn't noticed, and Dennis said "because you can't see your own eyes, Gran." Can't get anything past him!
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