We spent a little over a half hour at the Peach Jam tonight, long enough to tour all the vendor booths and say hello to several of our friends from church. David loaded Dennis up in his kid carrier and wore him around for the entire time, knowing it was good practice for his upcoming backpacking trip. Dennis probably weighs as much as a fully loaded pack, though his backpack won't be as wiggly.
We let Dennis watch part of the actual Transformers movie (though there are some words in it that just make me cringe, especially knowing his little ears are hearing them!). He was SO excited. We didn't tell him what we were doing, and when he came into the den, we'd been watching it about 10 minutes. We just told him to have a seat on the couch with us. He knew right away, though. The sand was churning up in the desert, Dennis caught a glimpse of a metal tail and yelled "hey, that's Skorponok! He's a Decepticon." He recognized Bumblebee right away as well, as soon as he saw a beat up old yellow Camaro. He and David watched for an hour, same expressions on both their faces, looking nearly identical in profile. And Dennis got SO excited about the first battle scene, jumping up and making a very cool hand signal and yelling "yeah, Bumblebee is here! He'll save the day!". He was nearly jumping up and down. We didn't finish the movie tonight, stopped it at 11pm so we could get to bed! Looks like another family movie night will happen soon. I loved it when we were watching a particularly exciting scene and it was interrupted. Dennis made a rude noise, a kind of growl/raspberry, and snarled "I just hate commercials!". He could barely wait for us to fast forward through them. He's definitely a TiVo child!
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