This was our second time to attend the Relay for Life event. Dennis enjoyed himself and walked (mostly) 3 miles. He also played in the bouncy houses for hours. We put a luminary out in memory of David's dad, and David arrived just in time to do the memorial lap. The three of us walked it together--pretty special!
We bought 'necklaces' (loops of plastic cord) and were awarded a bead for each lap we completed. Dennis chose all red beads of course, and as we were walking the last lap, he moved the eleventh bead way up on the necklace. He said "the eleventh bead is out--the beads were playing Simon Says and he didn't do what Simon said and now he's out."
And I have to talk about his infomercial interests. He was watching a kid channel and came in to tell us about a kids cookie factory, saying "it helps kids make all kinds of animal cookies and decorate them, so I think I want one for my Transformers birthday next year." And I was in the bathroom and heard him yelling for me to come to the den. I went in there and he said excitedly "LOOK! Pajama Jeans! Don't you want some, Mommy? They have a smooth butt!!". Thank goodness I've hidden the debit card from him.
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