Last night, Dennis had trouble sleeping. I went in several times to check on him and found him reading or staring, and I finally asked what was wrong. He told me "my head is just too full of wishes--I can't sleep!". I told him to pick the best wish and focus on that, so he chose to think about going to Toys R Us and buying a new Transformer (namely, Optimus Prime). He told me "thank you, Mama, now I only have one wish to think about" and he closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile on his face.
Today was his Easter party and egg hunt at school, and he had a great time. This picture shows him with his bubbles, a prize that was in his goody bag. He happily dispensed all of those as soon as we arrived home, and he and the dog had a merry time chasing and popping bubbles. Soon it was naptime, and he informed me that he couldn't go to sleep without "an overhead hug". I asked what that was, and he replied "when you lay down and get a hug while you're laying down". I leaned over his prone form and hugged him, and he said "no, I need to give YOU an overhead hug, silly!". I had to lie down on his bed to receive it! And he never did nap, so we headed out to Birmingham early, stopped at the toy store and made his wish come true, and then went to his last swim class (he'll resume these in late June). I stopped by a clothing store on our way home, keeping up with that old Southern girl tradition of buying a new dress for Easter. I dreaded taking Dennis along, but he was actually quite good. He did announce, when we got in the dressing room, "Mommy, you're wearing your underwear!", but after that, he was a good companion. He zipped the zippers I couldn't reach, and the two dresses I bought were the ones he liked best. I went to try on shoes next, and he wanted me to buy this awful black pair with brass "studs" on them. I told him they wouldn't match the dress I was getting shoes to match, and he said "but you're getting a black and yellow dress, too, and these are black with yellow things on them--they are PERFECT!". He was disappointed when I put them back. Who knew he was so into fashion?
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