Well, it's mostly melted away, but we savored the last moments of the snow. It was still everywhere this morning when we left for preschool, but the temperature was rising and the sun was shining. We weren't at school long--I was just there to teach one science class--before we headed home. He had to make a last snowman, of course, possibly the best of the lot. And tonight he made snow ice cream with his daddy (1 big bowl of snow + 1 can sweetened condensed milk + 1 tsp vanilla = yumminess!). We had a wonderful snow experience! And we had a pretty cool lesson on gravity at school today.
Tonight we delivered the Valentine cookies we baked and spent time excavating Dennis' room. It was time for a furniture rearrangement and toy redistribution, and even though we worked for hours, we have more to do later! We are trying to thin the herd a bit, especially since his birthday is rapidly approaching. He's asked for a new bicycle (he's grown into a 16" size according to his toy store test drives) and a kid-sized treadmill and exact replicas of the toys his cousin is getting tomorrow at his 2nd birthday party. And we still have a month to go.
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