I called for Dennis after supper and instead got Iron Man. He joined me in the library and tackled me (his evil nemesis Rust Woman). Iron Man had forgotten his boots, though, and was quickly subdued when I found his weak spot and tickled his bare feet. He body slammed me wrestling-style a few times and somehow while he was climbing over me, his iron elbow dragged across my eye socket and nearly turned my eyelid inside out. Ouch! Then he walked all over my hair on his way to jump off the futon and run for his Super Boots. When he reappeared, he was wearing his fireman rain boots, only he said they were "Iron Man Power Boots with the power to freeze you into ice!". He had to lie down so that he could aim his boots at me. Too bad we can't play outside for a few days; I think he could use the running!
Right now, he is stringing wooden beads on colorful shoelaces (still dressed as Iron Man). He says "I am making a necklace for Daddy; it will remind him of God. It's a very special necklace." David is suitably appreciative, but it didn't seem to matter. Dennis just aimed a boot at him and said "And now I just froze you dead!". He climbed on David's back and choked him, and then said "sorry Dad; was that Super choking?".
I think it's going to be a long, long night...
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