Dennis was really "on" today, on full blast, actually, with much talking, movement, eating, talking, playing, and talking. And talking. I didn't see him until lunchtime, and it's as if he had to cram all the words from our usual entire day together into the latter half of today. My ears are tired. And when I told the dog to go out, I actually expected him to ask "why" and I was even prepared to answer! I try to answer every "why" that Dennis asks--good teaching opportunities--unless I know that he knows the answer. In those instances, I turn the question back on him. Sometimes I want a t-shirt that says 'Google'.
Tonight, after playing Pizza Delivery Man, driving around in his plastic storage crate/delivery van, I finally got him to be still long enough for me to zip him into his coat and get him out the door at Gran's and Pop's. We picked David up at work tonight because the car that broke down last week is still at the property where he was working. We're hoping that one's a cheap and easy fix, because the other one is making the most bizarre noise I've yet heard a car make. Dennis said tonight "um, are you sure we're going to make it home?" (Side note: we covet your prayers for a couple of sick Chevrolets--thanks). When we did arrive home, it was after 10 minutes of silence from the backseat. Dennis asked David if he had missed him last night (he stayed with Gran and Pop), and David told him yes and answered the resulting "why did you miss me?" with a "because I love you." And then there was silence. We noticed that he looked VERY relaxed in the backseat, as in nearly comatose, and asked him if he was tired. He said he wasn't, but as we were putting the stuff from the car away, he was following us around, wringing his hands anxiously, asking "will you please put me to bed now? I need to go to bed. Will you help me get my shoes off? Will you please carry me to bed?". I presume he hit the point of total exhaustion, because he usually resists bed rather vehemently. He asked for a movie in bed, so we turned on Thomas, but when I checked on him a few minutes later, he was down for the count. May he sleep peacefully and, hopefully, late!
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