Check out the spaceship that Dennis built tonight. In our refusing to build for him, he's learned to construct things for himself. He asked me all day to build various things, and I didn't, so he built an assortment of structures (diving platform, play tower, spaceship) and presented them for my raving approval. I think he's learning that the fun of Lego is building what you imagine, not having your parents build a new toy for you to play with and then get upset when it falls apart. Though he did surprise us with a funny thing tonight. David and I were snuggled together on the couch when he came to find us and tell us "Daddy, you are a Lego Recator." We had never heard the term 'recator' before, so we asked him what it meant. He said "a recator is a grownup who builds whatever a kid tells them to build." Now that I've typed it out and looked at it, I think he might have read the words 'Lego Creator' on the box and botched the pronunciation a bit when he came to tell us about it. After he gave us this definition, he pointed his finger at us and said "and if you don't do what I tell you to do, you'll go to jail." We told him the couch was jail and that we were already there. He decided to build his own spaceship at that point, and we were so proud of his effort!
I just went to look in on him and turn off his lava lamp, and he's sleeping peacefully with his hand stretched across the bed. His outstretched hand is resting on Buzz Lightyear. So sweet!
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