Dennis was much better today, thank goodness! We had a nice day together, played, went for a walk and such. This evening he spent time with Gigi and Gran at the lake and then with Gran and Pop at their house while David and I went to a movie. He apparently behaved remarkably well for them. I'm so glad!
It was a big day here, what with the rainstorms and a cement mixer delivering gravel next door, not to mention the joyousness I feel at our having cleaned out our garage! And we even had a date night to boot. But this is Dennis' blog, so I'll leave you with this picture of him "test driving" a new storage ottoman, one of two that are gifts from Gigi. It was a truck, a plane, and a train car tonight, all in the span of 10 minutes that we allowed him to play with them after we got home and before he went to bed. He has a red one in his room, and he decided it was a wonderful storage bin for all his cars, which is great because that's what David had wanted to put in it as well. And since it motivated him to clean up by himself, I'd like to run out to the store and buy 3 more! I propped my feet on this black one after he went to bed the first time and suddenly found myself trapped in a web of comfort, stuck on the couch in bliss, and it's crazy because we actually have a real and giant ottoman that matches our sofa set and it's been serving as a bench seat. Oh the joys of an ottoman, especially this lightweight and easy to move new one! Dennis snuck out of bed for a cuddle and found me there, trapped on the couch, and climbed up beside me and propped up his feet as well. He said "can I just sleep right here tonight?". I felt the same way.
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